Adding Default Text to WhatsApp Links: A Quick Guide

Adding Default Text to WhatsApp Links: A Quick Guide

This article provides a simple guide on how to add default text to WhatsApp links using the “text” parameter. Learn how to customize your WhatsApp links to include a pre-written message, making it easier for your contacts to start a conversation with you. Follow the step-by-step instructions to create your own customized link with default text.

To add default text to a WhatsApp link, you can use the “text” parameter in the link. Here’s how:

  1. Start with the basic WhatsApp link format: (replace XXXXXXXXXX with the phone number in the international format, without the plus sign or any other characters).
  2. Add the “text” parameter to the end of the link, separated by a question mark (?):!
  3. Replace “Hello%20there!” with the text you want to use as the default message. Note that spaces need to be replaced with “%20” in the URL format.
  4. Share the link with the person you want to contact on WhatsApp. When they click the link, the default message will appear in the chat box, ready for them to send or edit.

Example: If you want to send a message saying, “Hi, I’m interested in your product”, the link would look like this:,%20I’m%20interested%20in%20your%20product.

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